Wednesday, January 31, 2007 Y 12:05 PM ![]() SPESHOW!!!! woo hoo!!! glad his coming to s'pore. lol! it seems 8 feb he will be having a 9.33's interview. 罗志祥8/2 星期四 1810. so happy. haha! ![]() then on 9 feb, one lucky reader can interview him! wah!!! mus think of 5 qns u wan to interview him about and see if u get pick lor. haha! shld i take part? lol! but i doubt i'll be so lucky to get chosen. hahahaha! but qns tough to think leh... five qns ar... 1) did u realli went steady with makiyo, making ou di veri upset? 2) y did u split from shi da tian wang? have the nian tou of dan fei? 3) which female celeb do u enjoy working with and y. 4) how do u think of jokes so quickly e... like in bai fen bai and is so hilarious. 5) do u play audition? hahaha! i've ran out of qns. aiyo.. these qns seem so stupid. lol! ![]() then finally on 10 feb he will be going to DXO at around 2 pm bah. but then hot to get the tickets? from the advertisement rite... mus buy their handphone wor... buy handphone jus to meet him? haha. like a bit crazy. lol! so much of xiao zhu... ytd i kept thinking of xu wei lun, so... dunno y maybe cos i read alot bout her news, then her name keep appearing in my mind. luckily at nite didn make nitemares bout her. haha! so if tat's the case, i read so much on polymers, stress, strain n etc.. then i shld be thinking of them instead. hope i dream bout them. lol! mip so boring... read mani times le... wah... quick get it over and done with!!!!! ah xia. Tuesday, January 30, 2007 Y 1:16 PM wor.. this is my 100th post le. haha! so mani. lol! ytd ap chem exam was rather.. dunno how to describe it. well.. it was veri windy and cold.. so i tot the paper would be 一路顺风, but it turned out to be 狂风暴雨 for me. lol! but i think shld be quite alrite bah.. dunno leh, it's over le. aniwae veri shocking leh, 许玮伦 died in an accident. she is an actress in taiwan lor. wah.. her death seems rather shocking leh. she's so young and talented. but i dun quite adore her.. but it's like someone so young can have their lives taken away from them.. must value our lives. we are so vulnerable. aniwae i jus noticed that, if i chat with the person online alot... i tend to dun chat with that person in sch. then if i chat with that person alot in sch, online.. i seldom chat with them e. haha! it's jus WEIRD. lol! but got one exception.. poh loo. lol! 2 more papers to go. jia you!!! ah xia. Sunday, January 28, 2007 Y 10:09 PM aloha!!! tml is the start of exams. woooo hoooo!!! i seem so happy and excited. lol! jus hope God bless me and everyone. yeap! i want to do my best!!!! it seems XIAO ZHU is coming to SPORE!!!! wah... and his having some sort of meet fans hui on 10 feb at DXO leh. not other dates but 10 FEB leh. argh!!!!! but i think i wont be so lucky to go and see him... wah... ai yo, i shldnt idolize him so much. his just another human being yea... haha! but his good, talented and shuai! lol! k lar.. yang jing xu rui for tml's exams. all e best!!! ah xia. Friday, January 26, 2007 Y 12:23 PM ho ho ho! haha. todae me start thinking bout my class again.. from sem 1 till now. better than thinking too much bout ap chem.. my brain needs some rest. haha! so got this thought about all the projects and practicals i have done during these 2 semesters. some were enjoyable, some were... haha! so my veri first project seemed to be report writing. haha! that time me , pohloo and banu were already in a grp... need another person to join us, so it was either chze li, yean man or ed koh. haha! in the end, yean man joined us. we did had fun... realli was enjoyable. then we had IDEAS. this was the BEST! haha. me, pohloo, banu, yean man and yong chuan grped together. it seems wonderful! we discussed alot, did alot and had alot of fun. went to changi airport too. haha! i think among all the projects i did, ideas was the best. we even got A, haha! pity.. not dist. lol! then we still had practicals. my partner was agus. yea.. he quite alright to be with bah. then he can be veri serious as times... but sometimes also quite relax doing pracs with him. haha! other pracs i did with jesster, chze li, agus. i like doing pracs with this grp esp for cppb. dunno why leh, cos sometimes during that times, i crapped alot with jesster. was fun! i think this were the only projects i have in sem 1 bah.. or i missed out ani? then come to sem 2, i think we had more projs and assignment. pracs, still stuck to same grp with was perfectly fine. haha! so the first proj was CRS DISCUSSION CAFE! i dread this... not becos of my grp members, but by the module. haha! grped with yean man and yong chuan, found so mani disfigured plastic faces which were gross, then had to present on our topic, but throughout the whole cafe, we did had some fun yea... quite good lar. then CD, for the racial harmony and CIP, i think this grp is the best for sem 2. me, pohloo and yean man. woo hoo!!! we realli crapped, gave crazy ideas and had lots of fun and laughter. lol! it was so relaxed! i love it! haha! then came something rather serious.. MIP. lol! hmm.. this combi i should say.. not veri perfect? me, yean man and ed koh. haha.. actualli no lar, not so bad. sometimes, the things can get way too serious and too stressed up. but in some incidents, it was still alrite.. did enjoy quite a bit. lol! then i think the last proj was for A E N E. we had to do a hands on assignment. i feel veri guilty for this, it seems, i didn do much. i want to help, but it seems there's nothing much for me to do? grped with pohloo, banu, yong chuan, ed koh n yean man. but still we went out to sim lim to buy all the components and had some fun at the same time. most stressed up thing was how to realli fix the components in their correct positions. but still manage to succeed, the box could play music!!! haha! finally all these projs n pracs are over! waiting for yr 2, and see how it would go... haha! and realli veri sorry to my group mates if throughout the projs or pracs i did something nasty or was not a good grp mate, pls pardon me.. yea. haha.. i will do better!!! =) bbrrr.... cold! ah xia. Thursday, January 25, 2007 Y 7:12 PM Today is jus too cold liao. Buay tahan. Studying in the cold seems terrible. Haha! But shld be better than studying under the heat rite. Lol! Todae I seem rather emo too. Haha! All of a sudden veri sad.. hmm.. I was also like starting to regret to choose IC. Haha! I want food tech. I chose IC cos of forensic science, but really my interest is more on bio, so food tech shld be more appropriate. So maybe hope I get into my 2nd choice? Haha! But then IC or food.. hmm.. shld be alright.. Angela’s new album the songs rather nice and interesting! Esp this few songs… 给你给我 [ I NEED YOU I MISS YOU I LOVE YOU LOVE YOU! ] 爱上爱的味道 [ 爱上爱的味道 让我脸红心跳 只有你才知道 爱情美丽符号 ] 梦里花 不痛 c大调 all veri nice ya.. haha! ah xia.. chilling off. Saturday, January 20, 2007 Y 8:37 AM so early morning blog eh.. i couldnt sleep the whole nite ytd wor. i think cos i ate too much at sijie's house... haha! aniwae ytd seems to be the last day dcp 1a22 having lessons together. quite saddening. cos when would we be having class together again? next week study week, then exams and we will be separated liao. y this course must have different options? hmm.. will surely miss the whole class e, esp... pohloo, jesster, banu, ed koh, yean man n yong chuan. haha! paiseh if i nv name all. jesster cos alwaes chat with her online.. n crap like siao. then the others cos they are the ones i hang out the most in sch. haha! yup.. then me, pohloo, adeline n jesster went to ngee ann open house. haha! we rather cheapo lar.. then we act as if we realli were sec sch students lor. i think we look like those hu had been retained for mani years the. haha! cos from our face can see we not sec sch e mah. haha! we kept laughing too. the sch rather nice ya. but then when we heard from the student there, he said all of np students get a chance to go overseas for attachment n they are half subsidised.. we were like damn sad liao. cos y SP dun have??? lousy sch lar. then we went around looking for free gifts. hahaha! so kiddy. lol! their courses after i look around quite interesting, esp pharmacy science. haha! but we discovered pohloo scared of hospitals? oh.. then their lifts rather small n stuffy lor. but then e trip there was fun lar.. seems like my real first trip to open house. lol! then at nite.. went to sijie's house. celebrate her bdae lor. haha! we were earlier than her. but then also dunno y she keep getting sick on her bdae e. last year also like tat... then eat alot lor. play games, then losers have to finish the food.. me damn suay lor.. have to keep eating. alamak.. grow 10 kg liao lar. haha. we also laugh alot lar.. met ppl whom i've not seen for ages. fun lar! took pics.. but hope shijun will realli send to us. lol! then they kept asking me if i will have party.. erm.. dunno leh. haha! we realli play until rather late. haha. but lucky me stay 2 blocks away from her onli. lol! ytd the whole day was great! yea! ah xia. Thursday, January 18, 2007 Y 5:22 PM woooo! tml's sijie's bdae. wish her early 18th birthday first. haha! buying her present n going out with bongz so fun lor. haha! but then do tat card with jing was so pathetic. haha. we keep erasing the whole thing we do.. then e card from vanguard sheet size become so much smaller. haha! ![]() smth wrong with hong yan's neck. haha! rather distorted. lol! ![]() ah jing trying to act cute but failed! haha. see her face so flat. haha! ![]() BONGZ my own bdae also coming soon lar, but then this year, not realli anticipating it like previous years leh. not becos growing older le, cos the feel is different le. maybe cos this year my bdae falls on holidays, so it's like.. rather will be alone? haha. but then every year, i also dunno how i spent my bdae one. i think rather pathetic lar.. at nite go out eat with family onli. haha! so how will it be like tat year? i have no idea wat im gonna do.. haha. same old thing lor. haha! todae some ppl came and asked us do survey on some perfume. i kinda hate perfumes! makes me giddy n i think i have sensitive nose to it. haha. some light ones.. can take it lar. dunno y gals like perfumes so much.. maybe i shld be born a guy. haha! i sometimes like guy's stuffs. lol! nth much happen in sch leh.. this days.. i like to appear offline in msn. becos of a reason. haha! but will be over soon.. can see me online again le. lol! ah xia. Wednesday, January 10, 2007 Y 4:18 PM counting down to exactly 1 month to a special day. haha! the house will be veri peaceful and quiet from todae till friday. im rather happy bout that. haha! cos my dear brother will be off for camp. but then also sad lar, nobody to tease n have fun with. haha! aniwae i feel rather pathetic leh. from last year, watched dramas alwaes watch halfway e. firstly, i started with 爱情魔法师。then after 10 episodes, i stopped watching cos was busy. but then after some time started with 微笑pasta. luckily, i completed this whole show. veri nice! then i watched 东方茱丽叶. but then after 1- 2 epis, i stopped watching again. haha! not the show not nice, but then no time. haha! but then i forgot bout that show and started to watch hana kimi. lol! but then stopped too, cos waiting channel u to play then watch. haha! then now start to watch 转角遇到爱。cos xiao zhu is acting!!! woo hoo!!! im in love with him!!! haha! i hope i wont stop half way bah, epi 1 jus being uploaded in youtube. haha. but then so mani shows, maybe after exams then continue all. haha. i hate couples that are sweet loving. i like those that are alwaes quarrelling n making fun of each other. haha! but then too bad, most of my friends like not attached leh. in witchybongz gang i predict lar... sijie will get attached first. haha! then followed by jing jing, then huiling then hong yan then me. HAHAHA!!! this one is based on how i feel the lar. lol! if bet on this, i think i sure win e. lol! k lar... getting bored. ah xia. Tuesday, January 09, 2007 Y 9:46 AM todae seem so free. no need to go to sch. 【花样少年少女】将从2月14日(情人节)起,每逢周一至周五,晚上7时,通过U频道独家播出!wahahahaha! so happy!!! i missed ytd's 金枝玉孽 because of my stupid brother! his jus too busy msging his girlfriends! i think the previous girl he likes has become his godsister instead. so stu! then now changing new target le. he like got so mani girls surrounding him wor. ytd had last practical, but then kena head knocked against agus. i think he cocked eye. i wanted to look into the microscope, then he also bah, then his head jus hit against mine. stupid! then to prove his realli cocked eye, he also hit against jesster! hahaha! was so damn funni lor. lol! aniwae last few days i got this dream. a wierd one. i dreamt about john, seng poh, wen xiang n putera!!! dunno bout them going for national service. alamak, this type also can dream. then while dreaming it seems mani wierd questions come to me lor, which i practically have forgotten. but then why them and y bout NS? so wierd. haha! exams coming!!! ah xia. Saturday, January 06, 2007 Y 12:39 PM haha! mip realli veri e boring. aniwae i just find love so ironic. what is love? smthing sweet? argh!! i tot i told myself not to tok bout love or get involved in it this year? but then hor bo bian leh... lol! i just find that i dun understand what love realli is. if until now i tot im in love, then realli is puppy love onli bah.. sort of small kids the.. haha! dunno leh... watch too much shows le.. a bit influenced. i just feel that at my age rite, although shld be time when ppl tend to fall in love, but i feel tat shldnt be. not becos they cant but then i jus felt that maybe they dun truly understand wat love is.. to me lar. haha! i think my brother's in love... puppy love bah.. my father said PUPPET love, when he wanted to say PUPPY. haha! that's y i kept teasing my bro. keep using my hp to msg that gal... so now like become his le. lol! but then i shld stop teasing him le, later he take revenge. haha! BUT HE WILL HAVE NO CHANCE! lol! LOVE SHOULD NEVER BE GAMBLED! LOVE SHOULD NEVER BE USED AS A THREAT! LOVE IS NOTHING! LOVE IS LOVE! nth much... ah xia. Wednesday, January 03, 2007 Y 10:34 AM a double rainbow? this is wat i saw on the first day of 2007 outside my house. does it mean double good luck to me? i hope i realli have a great year ahead! if u look closely, then can see the faint one just beside it. nice! ah xia Monday, January 01, 2007 Y 12:50 AM WELCOME TO 2007!!!! my veri first post of the year!!! yea!!! so i was supposed to go with my bro n father to esplanade but then i lazy ar.. so didn went. stayed at home with my mother. haha! but then great to spend the last few mins of 2006 wif jesster n pohloo. haha! but hor at 11.54 i was being dc- ed leh. so sad!!! then i try to sign in cannot... but at 1200, i managed to sign in... msn welcome me to 2007!!! haha.. ok.. tat's lame. lol! e veri first person in 2007 i chat with is jesster. my first word was ouch. haha! cos i knocked my rotting knee against the floor. haha! so my new year resolution is to slim down... hope it wont be tough. i bought a weighing scale in last day of 2006, preparing for my new year to start. haha! but then i think i will onli see my weight increasing. haha! but then ytd see my cousin she say i shou le.. me so happy. HAHAHAHA!!! then also i hope to treat my friends better, dun keep rejecting them. n treat my studies n work more seriously. yeap! i hope i realli fulfil all this this year. haha! so hope all gt great year ahead ar!!! everybody's love life will be great... all have good health. all gt lots and lots of money!!! yea!!! 2007 rocks!!! im 18 in 41 days!!! lol!! ah xia. | colourful
*he likes me. *he hates me. No, *he doesn’t know u. Click here if you want to leave. ongoing 當我們宅一塊 XIAO ZHU! jeremy sabrina edmund koh camilla simin alvin shijun yean man xiang ning jesster edmund liew hong yan valerie yiling andy voon huiling wen qian adeline xue qing eelin paula meryl shirley suni ervin into the past %u2605August 2006 %u2605September 2006 %u2605October 2006 %u2605November 2006 %u2605December 2006 %u2605January 2007 %u2605February 2007 %u2605March 2007 %u2605April 2007 %u2605May 2007 %u2605June 2007 %u2605July 2007 %u2605August 2007 %u2605September 2007 %u2605October 2007 %u2605November 2007 %u2605December 2007 %u2605January 2008 %u2605February 2008 %u2605March 2008 %u2605April 2008 %u2605June 2008 %u2605July 2008 %u2605August 2008 %u2605October 2008 %u2605November 2008 %u2605December 2008 %u2605January 2009 %u2605February 2009 舞所不在 NOW PLAYING:
Xing Fu Bu Mie 幸福不滅 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥 |