Friday, September 28, 2007 Y 9:22 AM was feeling so upset ytd nite till this morning... but im so HIGH now le. after watching mr PIG. he rocks! aniwae ytd's get together dinner seems a bit... dunno wat to say lar. but then my mood was realli being dampened. i dunno y. maybe too tired? or becos i had alot of things on my mind? maybe pohloo was not around that's y? haha! but then ok lar... ytd was still fine. aniwae! i jus couldnt believe my eyes lor. when i saw this pic ytd early in the morning... i was like OMG! he changed from... ![]() a 阳光, 可爱,帅气 的小猪 to . . . . . . . . . a 性感,火辣 的大正哥! he 露点。n tat pose... i jus couldnt accept this change. haha! jus veri well hope that this will not be the style for his new album. or else i'll be like... but actualli lar... 看久了... find like that also quite HOT. ppl do have changes... but i still prefer that cute, handsome n innocent PIG. =) Tuesday, September 25, 2007 Y 9:19 AM i had a tattoo done on my right arm last weekend. but i had it removed after 2 days. at first it was cool... but then i found it disgusting. my relatives were shocked... cos i was a guai guai person to them. so tattoos are terrible. well... class was alright ytd. a bit bored. cos had around 5 hrs break. n our class tutor is AMOS GOH! OMG! i think junling will be laughing away. haha! but then i think although he cant teach that well... but maybe as a tutor... shld be alrite. his a good guy bah. LOL! i wan this phone! looks cool! but maybe by next year gt new model le. i jus wan a BENQ phone. =) *aniwae the tattoo im refering to is those airbrush tattoos... which u can jus wash n remove them easily. haha! but the design i used was like those ah lians style. LOL! i wont poke any holes on my body e. my father had a phoniex tattoo. eee.... Friday, September 21, 2007 Y 1:14 PM well well well... sch's starting soon! at first quite looking forward to it... but after looking at the modules introduction, i think i'll rather stay at home. it's like so... not my style. how am i going to survive man. but i jus look forward to ITP. haha! dunno if it will be fun? LOL! aniwae xiao zhu shld be in new york now! 10 days of missing him. seen the bai fen bai scehdule for next 10 days... no LIVE. haha! all pre recorded shows. quite interesting lar. but also dun affect me. in sch how to watch?!? gt 3 days till 6 somemore. n watched the channel U's LET'S SHOOT show. haha! they talked bout blogging. so which style do i belong to? i think my blog rite... is more to introducing stuffs of xiao zhu. haha. i jus love talking bout him! it's like xiao zhu here.... xiao zhu there... woooo~ i jus wan more ppl to noe him n support him. YEA? it's so good being his fan. haha! he realli treats them well... =) maybe becos i dun have any other interest to talk about bah. my life is jus so boring... n i jus wan to say... REPUBLIC POLY is so BIG n MODERN man. can never be compared to SP. i mean the building. i went on wed... OMG! it's like so high class. i think becos it's NEW. the library is so damn BIG n CLASSY! their hostel looks like condominium. shld have chose that sch? but no... their courses not veri good bah. hehe! GO ACTION! 力量 makes me cry... 但是我无时无刻都在想.... Wednesday, September 19, 2007 Y 12:14 PM OMG! i nearly got a heart attack ytd. 1st time feel my heart realli beat till so fast, wan to come out liao. when i saw xiao zhu e first time, it didn even beat until so fast leh... jus becos i need to rush to apply gems for pohloo my heart nearly explode. haha. but then in the end still didn succeed. lag lar... but still i gt the gems i wan. =) aniwae im going to complete 转角遇到爱 for the 2nd time le! realli is a 催泪 show. some 经典 phrase... 秦朗: 人生最過癮的就是因為它有很多轉角,有的轉角很驚險,有的轉角又充滿驚喜。 是驚喜還是驚險不走過去,當然就不知道下一個轉角你會遇到什麼。 轉角充滿了故事,不管是在人生旅途上還是擁擠的街頭,也許是你的,也許是我的,因此我喜歡轉角。 心蕾: 我就要管你! 你可不可以改一改你喜歡人的方式啊? 喜歡就早點講,不要一天到晚只會吵架讓人家搞不清楚! this is quite true too... in the whole show they jus 暗恋 each other, didn have the courage. 真心喜歡一個人,千萬不要沒有自信。 秦朗: 如果是朋友,不管你走到哪,都會記住他的臉! friends will never forget each other's face. they are called true friends! =) ![]() this is too GAY man! haha. Monday, September 17, 2007 Y 3:49 PM have u ever tot that ur older sister/ brother would actualli be ur mother/ father? n ur "mother/father" is ur grandmother/grandfather instead? haha! actualli i had this thought becos i read this book... n the story is, there's this girl hu has alwaes thought her sister was her real sister, but in the end she was her biological mother instead. she was onli 14 then when she was pregnant, she could not look after the baby and so gave her up to her mother. it was already lucky of her to still able to see her baby grow up... so do u think this will realli happen real life? haha. maybe... aniwae last fri wen to esplanade to watch SSO's concert. it's free... courtesy from my brother. LOL! the last song was nice. the violinists were awesome! haha. last week of holidays le... jus wanna sch reopen soon. im so bored at home. Thursday, September 13, 2007 Y 12:37 PM y did i feel the house move jus now? or maybe shld i say the chair n my head? earthquake? aniwae i shld be satisfied with my results. 破 3! FINALLY! but i think im jus slow in improving bah. haha! lots of improvement to be made. =) n heard xiao zhu will be acting in a new drama! <篮球火> i think he will be acting with wu zun. haha! i hope it will be nice! i also found that xiao zhu has a new song? can be heard from my playlist. well... jus like his other normal fast songs... hope to have some new 突破!=) i think im thinking too much. haha! i even thought of wat bdae present i wan for next yr le. wahaha! so fast man. i wan STAGE T-shirt or STAGE cap. if ur wondering wat's tat... it's SHOW's brand! he design it themselves. currently, there's onli 1 STAGE shop in taiwan... so have to buy online leh... sad! then i suddenly rmb... ah jing! ur bdae coming! haha! still no plans... LOL! woooo~ Tuesday, September 11, 2007 Y 10:36 AM jus so happy! 爆点! xiao zhu actualli mentioned there will be a 爆点 which i think his refering to this... ![]() this new book of his! the journey he went through... i read part of the introductory, realli veri touching.... n i cant wait for his 5th album! he said there's one fast song which he made the qu, is much more better than jing wu men. that would be OMG! actualli he also wrote 3 slow songs but were axed by the company. haha. wonder y, zi lian so nice... but he say the slow song will definitely make us cry. haha! QUICK!!!! n tml's the day... results. HOW? n todae's 911's 6th anniversary.... hmm.... Monday, September 10, 2007 Y 10:24 AM OUCH! im starting to miss xiao zhu ever since he left singapore. haha! it's a pity he came like onli about 1 day. sad~ but i finally got to see him real in person! he looks the same on TV compared to real person. also that SHUAI! he realli is a 超级大帅哥! he has such fair complexion n he is rather thin. i like his hair! wooo~ im going crazy after seeing him! n i shaked his hand. wahahaha! but i used the wrong hand, he wanted to shake my left hand but im carrying things, so i twisted my right hand to shake his. haha! aniwae he realli kept his promise n signed all. him in his combat suit after performing BI SHA JI! so i finally saw xiao shuang too. his manager. everytime in bai fen bai, when xiao zhu mentioned her n the camera took her, she was hiding her face. haha. so evny of her to alwaes work with him. preparing for interview. i recorded the interview. wooo! he was somewhere jus in front of me. =) ling zhi. haha! anyway she kept repeating the same thing... BYE! gonna miss him lots! hope he come to singapore again! Friday, September 07, 2007 Y 9:23 AM xiao zhu shld be on board the plane now while im typing this. woo~ wish him bon voyage to s'pore. haha! Shirley asked me to do this. Heh! So jus do for fun. Haha! List out your top 5 birthday presents that you wish for: eh… my birthday jus over long ago. Haha! Maybe plan for next yr’s. LOL! *get good grades! *to have straighter hair. =X *everyone to be happy always! *to be rich! OMG! *all my wishes to come true! =) Answer the following questions: 1. The person who tag you are? Shirley 2. Your relationship with him/her is? she arh… dear friend. Haha! 3. Your 5 impressions of him/her? *fun- loving? *crazy bout Taiwan dramas? *good mummy girl *someone with long straight hair. *fellow xiao zhu crazy fan? 4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you? erm… what have you done for me arh? Haha. 5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you? did you say anything? =X 6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will? if she’s my lover than I would become 蕾丝辨(lesbian). Haha! 7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be? cant possibly happen. 8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will? haha. Will that ever happen? 9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be? cant think of any. 10.The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is? erm you want me to do for you? 11.Your overall impression of him/her is? sweet, lovable person! Woooo~ 12.How you think people around you will feel about you? erm… lame? 13.The character you love of yourself are? determined. Haha! 14.On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are? Too straightforward. 15.The most ideal person you want to be is? me myself. 16.Pass this quiz to 10 persons. (I have very little friends. Haha. Jus anyhow list lar. N doubt they will do. LOL!) 1. sijie 2. hongyan 3. pohloo 4. Yean man 5. Jing jing 6. huiling 7.edmund 8. shirley 9. banu 10. Yong chuan 17.Who is no.6 having relationship with? she nv update me! 18.Is no.9 a male or female? GAL! 19.If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? haha! Maybe? No lar. Doubt so. 20.How about no.8 and 5? they dunno each other. 21.What is no.2 studying about? erm. Studying in PJ 22.When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? ooh…we chat? We jus blabber anithing 23.What kind of music band does no.8 like? dunno leh. Haha. 24.Does no.1 has any siblings? yes! 1 sister. 25.Will you woo no.3? OMG! Not possible! 26.Is no.4 single? think so. Unless his having underground affairs. Haha. 27.What's the surname of no.5? TOH! 28.What's the hobby of no.4? dunno leh? Read newspaper? Haha. 29.Do no.5 and 9 get along well? Hmm… not sure. 30.Where is no.2 studying at? I mentioned that before. PJC 31.Talk something casually about no.1? Woooo~ fatty bear! Love her! 32.Have you try developing feelings for no.8? crazy! If I do… then… haha. 33.Where does no.9 live at? queenstown? 34.What color does no.4 like? shld ask pohloo. LOL! 35.Are no.5 and 1 best friends? YES! DEFINITELY! 36.Does no.7 likes no.2? LOL! Haha! They dunno each other bah. 37.How do you get to know no.2? ex- classmate! 38.Does no.1 have any pets? does soft toys count? Haha. 39.Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? OMG! Sexy? Hahaha. Doubt so. LOL! the whole thing is jus abit lame? hahaha. funny. =) Tuesday, September 04, 2007 Y 11:17 AM had a veri nice long cha with jing ytd. for veri long le... we chatted becos of xiao zhu. her dreams on xiao zhu made me laugh like mad. haha! but then after this long chat, i feel that maybe i shld cut down my obsession for xiao zhu. cos i had been too crazy for him le. so i think i shall forgo the concert. haha. i noe im indecisive. jus see xiao zhu this sat in PS will fulfil all my wishes le. im easily satisfied. haha. so jing asked me to change target lar. but then isnt it the same. change target then obsessed with another, rather stick to xiao zhu wont it better. but neverthless i asked hu would be suitable, she said xing guang bang's liu ming feng. dots. maybe she herself is crazy over him bah. haha. maybe chen weilian will be nice. LOL! his new song, he rapped. wahahaha! but eastlye's ah mei will be nice. =) this whole holiday seems to be a waste. Monday, September 03, 2007 Y 11:24 AM 爆! oh my goodness. high school musical 2 xiao zhu's version not out yet. onli known that it would be selling on that day he is coming to s'pore. or on 8th sept at PS sembawang outlet. n like limited to onli 300? tat is siao man. how mani fans does xiao zhu has? 300? haha. i doubt i'll be able to get one copy n let him sign it then... n i think im jus going to his concert. dun care le. wooo~ but ah jing arh... haven buy the tics. haha. n it seems $168 e tics all sold out on the first day. li hai seh. 不亏是亚洲天王。haha. aniwae went back to dunearn on fri. mani memories lar. see our old classroom... booo. ![]() bongz unite! woo~ finally! =) half of 4e1. yoz! n i watched ratatouee. dunno how it is spelled. ok lar. jus a funny rat show hu can cook. "anyone can cook". | colourful
*he likes me. *he hates me. No, *he doesn’t know u. Click here if you want to leave. ongoing 當我們宅一塊 XIAO ZHU! jeremy sabrina edmund koh camilla simin alvin shijun yean man xiang ning jesster edmund liew hong yan valerie yiling andy voon huiling wen qian adeline xue qing eelin paula meryl shirley suni ervin into the past %u2605August 2006 %u2605September 2006 %u2605October 2006 %u2605November 2006 %u2605December 2006 %u2605January 2007 %u2605February 2007 %u2605March 2007 %u2605April 2007 %u2605May 2007 %u2605June 2007 %u2605July 2007 %u2605August 2007 %u2605September 2007 %u2605October 2007 %u2605November 2007 %u2605December 2007 %u2605January 2008 %u2605February 2008 %u2605March 2008 %u2605April 2008 %u2605June 2008 %u2605July 2008 %u2605August 2008 %u2605October 2008 %u2605November 2008 %u2605December 2008 %u2605January 2009 %u2605February 2009 舞所不在 NOW PLAYING:
Xing Fu Bu Mie 幸福不滅 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥 |