Monday, February 25, 2008 Y 6:37 PM yoooo hoooo~ i finally sent out that letter to 933. i requested them to read it out on 13 mar. but if it delays maybe it shld be read out on 15 mar. at around 9 pm i think. haha! so listen to it... esp.. march babies! LOL! aniwae todae's lesson was funny. my supervisor was teaching me how to wash the glassware and to operate the milli Q water machine. then he turned on the tap at 1 direction, it was fine. then the other direction, it started to squeak. then he turned the another direction, it squeaked too. then we were laughing. the laughing was hard to control. he was laughing too. then he wanted to continue to talk, but i could not stop laughing so i told him to stop. haha! and he laughed too. yeap, it was funny. n he said the machine SUCKS! but u see my supervisor seems to be nice and friendly, but he's rather strict and hardworking. other students supervisors let them off early while i have to stay from exactly 10 am to 5 pm. n there's always work to do. other supervisors gave A for log book so easily, some could even grade themselves, mine was like so strict. haha. but it's good. spend so much to come to adelaide, if i dun learn anything here, it would be a waste of time n money. but i still wanna relax! WOW! HIGH HIGH HIGH! i jus read this... 演藝事業紅不讓,小豬投資的潮流服飾「STAGE」生意版圖將跨國際,3月在新加坡、4月在香港會陸續開設新店,明年將進軍日本市場,他也隨時穿自家品牌亮相。 YEAH! BUT... OH MY GOSH! wat if this news is true... which i hope so, then xiao zhu will maybe be going down to spore during march to launch his shop? n i wont be in spore? OMG!!! Thursday, February 21, 2008 Y 5:25 PM hello! haha! actualli im now slowly getting used to the life in aus. maybe after few more weeks, i will feel reluctant to return to spore? haha. aniwae my supervisor, craig seems to be a nice guy, but smtimes he seems to be very serious. but we did chat about things outside work. i did ask him if he had kids, n i dunno which ans he said, either he said he cant have 1 or he has no time for one. haha! both has 2 diff meanings. but then im jus scared he will find me an irritant after somedays. haha. maybe im jus thinking too much. im starting to like do work on my own, n it's like better. i dun like ppl to eye on me when i do things... that's cool! hmm... no worries. aussies like to use these words in their sentences, it's cool, it's great, good or no worries. it's like u dunno whether they are praising u or it's jus that they use it often in their conversation. but i jus take it as a compliment. haha! aniwae i think i'll try writing in to 933, so stay tuned! im now finding the post box, dunno how to send. haha. no worries.... Tuesday, February 19, 2008 Y 5:45 PM yoz! i think the connection sucks here. dun allow me to blog pics. aniwae the things here are realli expensive! 1 meal cost around $8? n they eat burgers n pasta... so it's like i'll grow fat here. we went to kangaroo island on sun. since it's called kangaroo island, we shld see alot of kangaroos... but we onli saw 1 pathetic 1 which we saw a glimpse of it onli. n the weather is very hot. burning hot! i'll grow black. n we payed Aus$200 to jus tan under the sun... they also like gt no life one lor. but i think i jus need to adapt to it slowly... aniwae toking bout my proj... it seems interesting. talking more about contact angles, smth which i've not learnt. so my supervisor gave me tonnes to read, which was rather tought to understand. alot of calculations... i jus hope i can rmb n understand wat he said. went to the lab todae n visualized the product im supposed to make. it's as small as a sim card. hmm... my supervisor looks like jeffrey whey... to me. his quite interesting, at first it was hard to approach him... but after sometime it got better, pohloo says his handsome (aniwae i think his married), but i dun quite agree. haha! aniwae one of the other girls' supervisor is realli shuai and young. his like onli a student... dunno how to say. everybodys' going gaga over him. haha! but then australian guys are realli handsome. almost 9 out of 10 are. their girls are pretty too. maybe becos of their features... i miss xiao zhu. LOL! cant watch bai fen bai. connection very slow.... Monday, February 11, 2008 Y 2:25 PM so i had my 19th bdae ytd... maybe it was like e most peaceful bdae i had. haha! n e most pleasant bdae. went out with my parents in the morning, n met BONGZ in the afternoon!!! alwaes so great to see them. =) went to jing's hse shun bian bai nian. (smth it's good to have ur bdae on chinese new year. but there's its cons.) n played mahjong. ridiculously, i did not win any rounds. i tot i had bdae luck. haha! n we took pics! =) then we went to hongyan's hse, shun bian bai nian too. it was also like having my party at her hse. haha! taking for handphone advertisement. =) aniwae all thanks to those for the bdae wishes. =)!!!!!! so next 14th feb's coming... actualli i dread this day to come. i dun feel like going for oitp animore... i cant imagine staying in a foreign country for like 2 mths. maybe im too pampered. PS: i wrote in to YES 933 on 5th feb n the letter was being read out. haha! it was like so funny hearing ur own letter being read. aniwae i jus wrote to test whether they will realli play any song u choose, n i wanted to hear chao pan shou on air. haha! it was like WOW! when the dj read the last sentence which lead to the song... it was COOL!!! n the funniest part to me was yc's part... i wrote (1**3) n the dj actualli wanted to read it out, but stopped in time. n she laughed. ok... ![]() it's time for him to have a hair cut. his fringe seems wierd, n his parting... haha! maybe i xi guan him having short hair le. =) Tuesday, February 05, 2008 Y 3:38 PM Aniwae this few days becos of CNY, im veri busy. i just hate pre- CNY. have to do house keeping. it's like a torture. and so much dust, bad for my health. haha! but when u see the final product, with decos, u wil feel pleased and happy with it. =) thanks to my poly friends for also celebrating my bdae with me, which is coming soon! this is wat they gave me... sunblock lotion. useful for my OITP! THANKS ADELINE for the card!!!! AND 新年快乐!!! HUAT ARH! mus collect alot of ang baos! Friday, February 01, 2008 Y 6:29 PM hahaha! exams finally over! PARTY TIME! now actualli quite worried for my results.... honestly lar, i say i wanted to block myself from using the comp during exam period rite, but i failed to do so. haha! i did use the laptop. realli cant control lar. so i actualli watched quite a few shows leh... like i veri free hor. i watched 3 epis of hmm... n im counting down to my BIRTHDAY!!!! hahahaha! 10 FEB!!! but then it's like turning 19, veri old liao. then another year's time, i'll be 20. 20 leh, 1st number with 2. it's like OMG! so fast im on this earth for 19 years. to me, i like haven done mani things. maybe i still need mani mani more years to finish wat i wan... n i feel that i dun behave like a 19 year old person. i feel young at heart. haha! actualli childish, although i look old on the outside. haha! ok lar, recently i like yuan wei jue xing. their songs rock! i like it man. xiao zhu's 3rd gai ban album!!!! i wan it!!! yanyin!!!! rmb!!!! haha! but then still not in stores in s'pore. but im flying... haha! | colourful
*he likes me. *he hates me. No, *he doesn’t know u. Click here if you want to leave. ongoing 當我們宅一塊 XIAO ZHU! jeremy sabrina edmund koh camilla simin alvin shijun yean man xiang ning jesster edmund liew hong yan valerie yiling andy voon huiling wen qian adeline xue qing eelin paula meryl shirley suni ervin into the past %u2605August 2006 %u2605September 2006 %u2605October 2006 %u2605November 2006 %u2605December 2006 %u2605January 2007 %u2605February 2007 %u2605March 2007 %u2605April 2007 %u2605May 2007 %u2605June 2007 %u2605July 2007 %u2605August 2007 %u2605September 2007 %u2605October 2007 %u2605November 2007 %u2605December 2007 %u2605January 2008 %u2605February 2008 %u2605March 2008 %u2605April 2008 %u2605June 2008 %u2605July 2008 %u2605August 2008 %u2605October 2008 %u2605November 2008 %u2605December 2008 %u2605January 2009 %u2605February 2009 舞所不在 NOW PLAYING:
Xing Fu Bu Mie 幸福不滅 - Luo Zhixiang 羅志祥 |